Daronta Briggs

Transplant Recipient - Organ
Donation Supporter

Transplant Recipient - Organ Donation Supporter
Daronta Briggs - Transplant Recipient

Before his transplant in 2012, Daronta was receiving dialysis treatments three times a week for four long years. “I wished for a chance to spend more time with my family instead of being hooked up to machines for hours a day,” he says, standing outside of the VA Medical Center in Baltimore. Having served in Operation Desert Storm, Daronta received his transplant at Walter Reed Medical Center on October 23rd, 2012. “Receiving a kidney transplant allows me more time with my family and a chance to focus on new endeavors. I am truly forever grateful for the gift of life I received from a selfless donor,” says Daronta with a captivating smile. Daronta is also a devoted volunteer with The Living Legacy Foundation, sharing his story and giving speeches and presentations on the importance of organ, eye, and tissue donation.

*Originally Published by The Living Legacy Foundation of Maryland under their Stories of Hope series. To read original publication click HERE**